Saturday, February 14, 2009


(Theme song for post: American Soldier)

Every morning at DFW Airport, a plane arrives carrying soldiers returning to the States on their way home for leave from overseas deployments. Every day they are greeted by flag-waving volunteers from a program called “Welcome Home a Hero.” Dave and I went out today with a group from our church where we were honored to greet 164 troops. It was an emotional experience.

This couple in flag shirts drove from Denton, TX, to welcome the troops. That's not a short drive!

Brownies waiting to give the troops Girl Scout cookies.

Korean War veteran, Gene, and his wife, Judy, waiting to meet the troops.

Members of our Sunday school class. (Look closely, there's me (your Prez) and the First Husband!)

The lady with the megaphone is giving us instructions just prior to the troops coming out.

This soldier is the first one through the door.

A line of soldiers making their way through the crowd.

Your Prez and friends...the girl is going on to CA and the guy is going to Killeen, TX.

Soldier shaking hands with the Cub Scouts.

Stuffed camel on soldier's backpack....he was taking it to his 6 yr. old daughter in Kansas!

The Prez and soldier from Ft. Worth, who is going back in 10 days.

Soldier carrying his little boy.

The last soldier out!

On this Valentine’s Day, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your service and your dedication to keeping all of us here at home safe. Welcome home!

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