Monday, August 24, 2009


Texas Monthly magazine published an interview with Ted Nugent and put him on the cover of the July issue. (Go here for a video of a small portion of that interview.) They asked their readers to “fill in the blanks,” expressing their thoughts about that interview in an easy-to-use template letter to the editor. They knew there would be strong feelings both ways.

I hurriedly mailed back my filled-in letter and forgot about it. Two weeks ago a fact checker from the magazine called to tell me they had.....gasp.....chosen my letter to be included in a montage of responses. If I had known they were going to copy the actual form and not reprint it, I would have been neater! The September issue came in the mail yesterday. This is the letter, with my words capped and underlined, that appeared in the magazine:

Dear Editor,

I am a(an) 62 YR. OLD, NON-HUNTER, CONSERVATIVE FEMALE (political affiliation) who has been subscribing to Texas Monthly for 22 (number) years, and I am writing to express my GIDDY ELATION (emotional state) at this month’s issue. Ted Nugent is a(an) CONTRADICTION IN CULTURAL GENRES (noun). He has done more to SUPPORT (verb) the SECOND AMENDMENT (noun) than anyone since DAVY CROCKETT (historical figure). By putting him on your cover, you have reached a new LEVEL OF COURAGE I DIDN’T THINK POSSIBLE (relative altitude). I think that you should ALTERNATE TED AND KINKY AS GUEST CONTRIBUTORS. Please RENEW IN PERPETUITY (verb) my subscription.

(Side note: Kinky Friedman is a frequent guest writer for the magazine. I didn’t write the note on my letter that says he needs a haircut and a shave!)

Your Prez does not know how to fire a gun or has any desire to do so, but I will shoot off my mouth to do everything I can to preserve the right of those who want to own guns, to hunt and to protect themselves and their families. Banning guns will NOT get the guns out of the hands of the criminals, it will only make law abiding citizens more vulnerable. It is our right to bear arms...... and not the kind Michelle flaunts.

In a peaceful revolution, the only weapons we have are our voices and the voting booth. Keep firing until we shoot down BO’s socialist health care plan. When we win that fight you are going to have to reload and take aim in a new battle.....the assault on the Second Amendment. There are many fronts in this war.

The Prez

1 comment:

Lori, Methane Czarina said...

Awesome! You made the Texas Monthly, Prez!
My huband always watches Ted Nugent on the hunting channel. we're a hunting family (won't go hungry, here!)