Wednesday, June 17, 2009


(Theme song for post: I'm In a Hurry)


“HURRY,” he said, “the sky will fall if we don’t pass the stimulus bill. Don’t give them time to read it, pass it tonight. I’m flying to Chi Town with Michelle for a weekend getaway and I’ll fly someplace next Tuesday to sign it.”

“HURRY,” he said, “I’ll create a czar for this and a czar for that and they won’t have to answer to anybody but me.”

“HURRY,” he said, “we have to bail out the car company. We’ll throw billions at them so they won’t go bankrupt. Uh, oh, that didn’t work? Well, HURRY, let’s take control of this car company and make the union a partner.”

“HURRY,” he said, “get the Sotomayor confirmation hearings going ASAP before any opposition has a snow ball’s chance in hell of growing while rolling down the hill.....literally.”

“HURRY,” he said, “I’ve angered my gay and lesbian subjects by defending the Defense of Marriage Act. HURRY, I’ll throw them a bone and give healthcare and other benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. I don’t have to go through congress to do that. Yeah, that’s the ticket. I’ll sign that tonight.”

“HURRY,” he said, “Today I’ll announce the creation of a Consumer Financial Product Safety oversight Commission and take away oversight from the Federal Reserve and other bank regulators. I’ll make that official tomorrow.”

“HURRY,” he said, “let’s shove national health care down America’s throat. My buds at ABC are going to aid and abet by moving into the White House one evening to air my infommercial. I’m letting Charlie use the Blue Room to broadcast the news before we move to the East Room for the primetime special, "Prescription for America," which the people have no clue is another dose ofthe Kool-Aid. (Click here to email your displeasure to ABC at:

BO knows exactly why he’s in a hurry. His promise was CHANGE. He has to hurry to change everything and destroy capitalism before the expiration date on the Kool-Aid comes to pass.

My head is spinning with all he has thrown at me. I can’t quite sort it all out in my mind. Do you, like me, feel like you’re on a carnival ride going round and round and round with the certain knowledge that when it stops you will get off and be violently ill?


(Gasping for breath!)

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