Friday, July 10, 2009


(Theme for this post: Kalinka)

It’s 12:30 PM, July 11, 2009, and I call this meeting to order. Too bad if you can’t attend. I’m The Prez, I say the meeting is now. We have urgent business to tend to and I can’t wait until we can round up everyone. Give me a least I didn’t do this at 3:00 AM........I’m conducting business in the daylight, which is a step above our legislators in Washington.

NEW BUSINESS: Cynthia from Odessa, Texas, brought it to my attention that maybe all members’ titles should be changed from Vice Prezident to Czar. Why didn’t I think of that? Vice Prezident is so passe these days. So, from now on every member is my Czarina and the guys are my Czars. Please email me with the area you would like to be in charge of.....first come, first served, so hurry and pick your area of expertise. The Health Czarina has been taken by Anne of Colleyville, Texas. Cynthia is the Czarina for Keeping Things Up-to-Date. I’ll have an update on all our Czarinas/Czars in a future post. (Gasp.....I just can’t seem to stop doing this blog. How many times have I quit?)

I would request that one of you volunteer to leave GASP and become the 500th Czarina in BO’s administration. They are in dire need of a Fashionista Czarina. Would somebody please tell Malia Obama not to wear the peace symbol, CND (Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament) T-shirts while touring Europe. Yes, she has more than one. She was photographed in two different T-shirts. Ask Michelle how she had the “audacity” to carry a $6,000 handbag on her jaunt with BO in the Russian woods. Times are tough, honey, you might not want to flaunt your designer bag in our unemployed faces! Oh, and one more thing.....enough already with the bare arms. Do you OWN an outfit with sleeves?

If we have to be commies, I’ve decided we’ll be commies with a Tejano flair. Check out the second song. (I'm crossing my fingers that the lyrics are not offensive....who knows what the guy is singing!) ‘Til next time my comrades!

Meeting Adjourned!


P.S. The reason that Cynthia and Ann already have their titles is that the three of us are members of the Texas group of Smart Girl Politics. Cynthia discovered our blog on that site and contacted me through SGP. I've made her a member of GASP without even asking her. If you would like to become members of a great organization, check out Smart Girl Politics. You can find your state's group and join that, too, if you want.


Lori said...

I would like to recommend and apply for the position of Methane Czarina. Methane is responsible, as you know, for so much trouble with ozone that immediate attention should be directed to the reduction of methane gases. I will give you a resume and a letter of recommendation from my gastrointerologist, if necessary. Thank you for your consideration.

Nervous Nellie said...

Lori, Methane Czarina, welcome to GASP. When you attend our meetings will we need to don our gas masks or will you stay out in the hall? Tee-hee!

knRN said...

Hey Prez, I would like to apply for the position of Czarina of Alternative Energy. I think we could harness the energy of nature, through electric eels!!!What's a little extra slime?? If that fails we could try fireflies! What's a more "hopeful" symbol than fireflies?
I think it would bring a tear to the eye of the Arsonist in Chief!
But I am willing to continue looking for other sources!!
Thanks, Kendra

Lori Lett said...

Excellent! I'd like to second Kendra's nomination! :)

THE PREZ said...

I really want the position of Media/Press Czar - it would be a hoot to go up against ol' Gibbs!! I think I could match him sarcasm for sarcasm!

Anonymous said...

I need to know who G.A.S.P is. I have approved all of you for your positions but need to know the name of the media/press Czarina for the next post. I have to post as "anonymous" because they say my password is incorrect on google. you see why I need a blog manager/editor/secretary of state/grunt to keep this thing going????

The Prez

LauraB said...

Ooooo...I'm good...I want the position of CIA Czarina, too! You can't even tell it's your own blog manager/editor/secretary of state/grunt that wanted the Media Czar position!!