Saturday, May 2, 2009


(Theme song for post: Every Breath You Take)

This is your Prez back in action, for now at least. Thank goodness for the second in command who stepped in when I went wobbly in the knees and hid under the covers. BO should be so lucky! Look who he’s got as his #2.........Joe Trigger Tongue Biden who tells the nation he wouldn’t let anybody in his family travel for fear of getting the “Piggy Wiggy Flu.” (Caution: Pause the music before clicking on the link.)

I just received an email from a member in Colorado. She’s as frustrated as I am. Are you all in this state of mind? Here’s her email:

.....I’m loving your GASP postings! Makes me want to start riots!!!!!!!! Our situation is dire in this country and no one is listening. With the media on ‘their side’ we are out numbered and out blitzed...........We were at a dinner party last Sunday with retired doctors and nurses from our local area. All were conservative. The overall consensus was that there’s not much anyone can do. When I said I was about ready to start calling TV and radio stations when I disagreed with their analysis, they said they knew of two doctors who complained who were dogged by the IRS for years. WHAT?

I’m talking to the ladies I walk with, trying to get their ire up as much as mine. We think if there are enough of us calling and emailing it won’t hurt. How frustrating! Doesn’t anyone really get it? Do you have to be 60 something to catch on? Any ideas for more rebel rousing across the nation?

Gasping for Breath

Claudette C

I’m gasping for breath along with Claudette. What can we do?

I had been out from under the covers for barely 5 minutes when the news broke th
at Justice Souter was leaving the bench. I saw a vision of BO grinning from ear to ear prancing around the Oval Office shouting, "HERE COME DE JUDGE, HERE COME DE JUDGE." Too bad Flip Wilson is dead and BO can't appoint him to the court. He could have joined Nancy Wicked Witch of the House Pelosi, Barney the Drag Queen Frank, Tim Keebler Elf Geithner, and starring Don Corleone Obama in the remake of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest in Washington D.C."


Every breath you take
Every smile you fake
Every move you make
Every vow you break
We'll be watching you.

O can't you see
How much we disagree
And our poor hearts ache with every step you take.

Every single day
Every word you say
Every game you play
Every time you stray
We'll be watching you.


P.S. Gasp.....I think I just discovered the theme song for our group. We'll take a vote on it at the next meeting.

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