Friday, October 23, 2009


Are you furious with your representation in Washington? Are you fearful of the future? Do you want a complete overhaul? Are you fed up with the corruption in DC? Do you want to do something about it?

There is a wonderful new web site that lets YOU decide when “enough is enough.” You can let your senators and your congressman know how long you think they should serve in office. You can take a pledge that you are going to support ANY CANDIDATE FROM ANY PARTY who will limit the size and the reach of the federal government.

Go to THIS site ( and read the mission statement and the “Who We Are” page. Then check out the other pages and take the pledge. It will be so exciting to see the number of pledges on the interactive map of the United States increase as the days and months go by. The 2010 election will be here before you know it. It is crucial that there be a huge turnout for the primaries.

Be sure to check out the links at the bottom of the web site. The slogans on the bumper stickers and the t-shirts are fabulous! Yes siree sir (that’s grass roots talk), we will let the Kings, Queens, Bishops and Knights know that their reign is coming to an end. Give this link to everybody you know and encourage them to pledge their vote.

GRASS ROOTS are going to catch on fire like we have never seen before. The United States Capitol is going to be consumed in the mother of all grass fires. (Note to Homeland Security....that is figurative, not literal). From the ashes we can pray a new brand of leadership will arise to give our government back to WE THE PEOPLE.



Anonymous said...

Maybe, when they are all gone, we can have the power the make ENGLISH our national language!!!!!!

Also, get rid of the IRS and have FAIR TAXES to pay for our military and road system like our taxes were ment for. Get the lifers off of our tax system.

Term limits are the way to go.

joomlamo said...

Talking and pledging are nice but it is time for real leaders to step up and run for office. is a vehicle for this to happen.

Today we need candidates. Tomorrow we will need voters. George Washington did not want to be president. But he did it because it was best for the country. Maybe you do not want to be a candidate but it is best for the country!

Go to the site and sign up to step up. Now!

G'me Moore said... them all. Don't fall for the trick: "He/she brings home the bacon." They're cooking our bacon in D.C. I want to keep more bacon at home.