Tuesday, February 17, 2009


(Theme song for post: Smokin' in the Boys Room)

Gals, I found this report on my desk this morning and contacted the blog manager to get this posted as fast as we could. This is scary!


January 20, 2009. ACORN scholarship firmly in hand, an arrogant Barry Obama swaggered onto the campus of President University (PU) to enter the 44th class of one. He has been here for one month with 47 remaining to complete his studies. The question is, will he do well enough to go on to post graduate work or will he leave after 4 years? Most of the faculty here are hoping he flunks out.

Barry’s conduct has been less than stellar. He has been sent to the dean’s office to be reprimanded for downsizing the U.S. Marine Band’s duties at the White House. Instead of the trumpets, drums and tubas, a lone piano player provides the music before and after Barry’s appearances. He has done away with
the usual military marching music in favor of tunes like Cole Porter’s “Night and Day” and Sting’s “Dessert Rose.” And, this cannot be proven, but from past actions, it is widely believed that Barry has been lighting up in the bathroom off the Oval Office (Of course, we acknowledge that in recent history, worse things have taken place in or just off the Oval Office). Below are the grades he has earned thus far:

ECONOMICS - F - Barry insists that the government stick it’s nose into the economy and will not let it recover on it’s own by giving tax breaks to businesses (the U.S. has the highest business tax, 35%, in the world). If he did this, the engine of this great country would restart itself. Is he intentionally killing the Goose that laid the Golden Egg?

HISTORY - F - See above. All throughout history, socialism has failed. Nations do not prosper under that system. He cares nothing about the individual prospering. He seems to be all about the government growing and reaching into every part of our lives. Is he such an ego maniac that he thinks THIS time HE will make socialism work?

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS - F - For the first time in history Americans can agree with the president of a rogue nation. Iran’s president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said that the United States has become passive by offering to talk. He said that shows the United States has lost and that Western ideology is dead. And, the piece de resistance: terrorists around the world are “high five’n” now that they know if captured by Americans they will be politely interrogated and served tea and crumpets. Nice going, Barry!

ETHICS - F -(double F)- The professor quit after just 4 weeks with Barry. There are too many things to mention all here. Tax cheats as nominees for posts and one getting through to head the Treasury Dept. is unconscionable. The man deliberately deceives. He said he wouldn’t deal with lobbyists–yes, he did. His was to be the most transparent administration ever–no, it is not. He said there would be 5 days to look at the stimulus bill before the vote. Nobody, not even congressmen and senators had time to read the behemoth bill before the vote that had to take place before the sky fell last Friday night. It was voted on an then Barry took a three day weekend and will not sign it until today. If it was so blasted important, why didn’t he sign it Friday night or Saturday? Oh, yes....there was that little three day Valentine’s Day get-away to Chicago with Michelle my Belle. Couldn’t that three day weekend have been used to let people read it and then vote today? Why the urgency. And, did you know that they did put the bill on the internet? Yes, they did....only it’s in pdf format. You cannot do a word search on the document. Clever move on the part of the most ethical administration ever, huh?

THEATER - A++ - Barry is a star in this class. He is nothing but a community activist taking it up several notches to the national level. He is doing a fabulous job playing a role. He knows “what he’s doing” and is playing the part of a president with the nation’s best interest as his number one priority. “What he’s doing” is leading our country into the beginnings of socialism which has been his intention from the start. He is a student of Saul Alinsky and used this man’s teachings in his activist work in Chicago. Now he has a national stage on which to perform and he is doing it brilliantly.

So, there you have it, Barry’s first report card in his PU years. He told the country he wanted change, he just didn’t tell us what that change was going to be. If you want to remove any doubt as to what kind of change, check out this link. It will make you gasp and might even cause nightmares.

The Prez

(Hey gals, we did a darn good job in picking a name for our club, didn’t we?)


Patrick said...

I am going to laugh when the secret service comes knocking at your door to shut you down. Luckily since you haven't sent me a gift in a long time there will be nothing to link the two of us.

Nervous Nellie said...

Do I know you? Patrick? Patrick who?

Patrick said...

I haven't claimed to know you for the last few years either. You can never be too sure I may work for Barry.